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Wooden planter Palmako Lili 68x34cm brown autoclave

Brand: Palmako

Reference: AD45-0703

Flash offer: €31.00
PVP: €81.00
  • Quantity
  • Only 4 left in stock
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Take care of the plants in your patio or garden in style thanks to the beautiful Lili wooden pot of the international brand Palmako.


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Technical specifications:

The planter has been manufactured using fir wood of the highest quality brought especially from the forests of northern Europe.

The wood has received an autoclave pressure treatment to protect the product from the appearance of xylophagous organisms and prevent their deterioration.

For a better use, the Lili model can be used together with the square-shaped plastic pots that fit perfectly in the pots.

The article also has the following characteristics:

  • It has a beautiful natural wood finish
  • It has a beautiful rectangular shape
  • It is able to withstand the weather and inclement weather
  • It has a total capacity for two pots
  • The approximate thickness of the posts is 45 mm x 70 mm
  • The approximate measures of the pot are 68 cm x 34 cm x 32 cm
  • It has the manufacturer's warranty

Comments (1)

| 31/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Wooden planter Palmako Lili 68x34cm brown autoclave


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