Technical Characteristics:
- Properties: Application temperature +5°C to +25°C.
- High quality.
- High tensile strength.
- Normal drying.
Use: It is a general use adhesive; Adhesive for the furniture industry.
Ideal for: Carpentry, Joinery.
Available in different applications:
- Brik-Cen Hm-101 Bottle of 6 kg.
- Brik-Cen Hm-101 12 kg bottle.
- Brik-Cen Hm-101 Bottle of 23 kg.
- Brik-Cen Hm-101 23 kg bucket.
White glue normal drying wood Brik-Cen Hm-101 Quiadsa: Brik-Cen Hm-101 Bottle of 12 kg.
Technical Characteristics:White glue for wood, normal drying.,,12 kg bottle.
White glue normal drying wood Brik-Cen Hm-101 Quiadsa: Brik-Cen Hm-101 Bottle of 23 kg.
Technical Characteristics:White glue for wood, normal drying.,,23 kg bottle.
White glue normal drying wood Brik-Cen Hm-101 Quiadsa: Brik-Cen Hm-101 Bottle of 6 kg.
Technical Characteristics:White glue for wood, normal drying.,,6 kg bottle.
White glue normal drying wood Brik-Cen Hm-101 Quiadsa: Brik-Cen Hm-101 Bucket of 23 kg.
Technical Characteristics:White glue for wood, normal drying.,,23 kg bucket.
Me parece muy buena la calidad y precio y seguiré haciendo pedidos.
Estoy muy contenta con el producto y seguro que repetiré. Lo recomiendo.
Estoy muy contenta con el producto, suelo utilizar mucha cola blanca en mi trabajo y me a gustado mucho, pronto repetiré.
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