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Weed Mesh 1.6 x 10 mm. Model Brown: Nort Geotex

Brand: Nortene

Reference: 101435

Flash offer: €7.00 (€0.44 per m²)
PVP: €18.60
  • Quantity
  • Only 5 left in stock
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Mesh suitable for weed control. Avoid mixing materials. Low permeability It is recommended in spaces lacking water since having low permeability causes indoor humidity to rise to the roots of plants. Proper installation for flower beds. Not recommended for passageways (pebbles or edges would drill very quickly).


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Non-woven fabric made of polypropylene. Brown color. Weight: 80 g / m². With anti-UV treatment.

Comments (1)

| 10/11/2020
Weed Mesh 1.6 x 10 mm. Model Brown: Nort Geotex

Ou se trouve les dimensions ? N'y a-t-il pas une erreur 1,60/1omm?

Store response | 11/11/2020

Bonjour, Effectivement, les dimensions correctes sont de 1,60 x 10 m. Veuillez nous en excuser. Bonne journée. Cordialement

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