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Water pumps

Water pumps

Showing 4 products
Showing 4 products.

Water Pumps

The water pump is the machine that transforms energy and applies it to move water. This movement is usually upward. Pumps can be of two types: "volumetric" and "turbopumps". All of them have an inlet (suction) and an outlet (delivery). At Brycus, we want to offer you the best water pumps for your needs.

Technical specifications:

Water pumps are distinguished in several models.

  • Volumetric pumps: their operating principle is based on hydrostatics, so that the increase in pressure is achieved by the thrust of the walls of the chambers which vary in volume.
  • Reciprocating plunger pumps: there are one or more fixed compartments, but their volume varies due to the action of a plunger or a diaphragm. In these machines, the movement of the fluid is discontinuous and the loading and unloading processes are carried out by valves that open and close alternately.
  • Rotary or roto-static volumetric pumps: a fluid mass is confined in one or more compartments which move from the inlet (low pressure) to the outlet (high pressure) zone of the machine. Examples of this type of machine are the vane pump, the lobe pump, the gear pump, the screw pump or the peristaltic pump.
  • Rotodynamic pumps: the principle of operation is based on the exchange of the quantity of movement between the machine and the fluid, applying hydrodynamics. In this type of pump there are one or more impellers with blades that rotate generating a pressure field in the fluid. In this type of machine, the fluid flow is continuous. These hydraulic turbomachines can be subdivided into radial, axial or diagonal turbomachines.

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