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Wall-mounted Split Inverter Mitsubishi

Offer €249.56


Modular Mirsubishi air conditioning, depending on your needs, you can use up to 3 units in one.

Stock and delivery
Ref.: CL38080
Und. SKM20ZSP interior - evap. Fridges: 2.0 Heating: 3.0kw
Only 1 left in stock
€249.56 €499.00
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Model: CL 18 156 SKM20ZSP - evap. Fridges: 2.0 Heating: 3.0 Kw.

Model: CL 18 157 SKM25ZSP - evap. Fridges: 2.5 Heating: 3.4 Kw.

Model: CL 18 158 SKM35ZSP - evap. Fridges: 3.5 Heating: 4.5 Kw.

Comments (1)

| 17/12/2020 | Verified purchase
Wall-mounted Split Inverter Mitsubishi

prima een snel geleverd

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (4)


El precio es por el aire completo ? 2 interiores + 1 exterior? Saludos

Store response | 26/11/2024

hay varios articulos, cada uno pone en el nombre si es el split interior o la bomba exterior.


Hi, Does this unit provide heat, please?

Store response | 24/02/2022

Yes, it provides heat 


Buenas tardes, el precio de este nodelo, no lo veo o no entiendo cual es? gastos de envio a parte del pre cio? Gracias.

Store response | 14/02/2022

solo el split es 250 € y la maquina de exterior 999.00 € 

en total el aire entero es de 1249 € 

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Si adquiero los dos por uno mitsubishi CL38080, CON EL CL18111, ¿podría contratar a través de ustedes un servicio de instalación de los dos splits? y cuál sería el precio de dicha instalación gracias

Store response | 10/09/2021

Buenos días , 

No disponemos de servicio de instalación 

Disculpe las molestias 

Un saludo 

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