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100 flanges kit and tool for placing wires Catral Twister Hook

Brand: Catral Garden

Reference: 2022129

Offer: €16.60
PVP: €20.90


A set flanges of the Catral brand with a small manual tool that allows you to easily enclose bamboo and breda surfaces, among others.


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Technical specifications:

The tool has a curved head specially designed to be able to twist the metal flanges and tie them effectively.

It has an anatomical handle that adapts perfectly to the hand to help when working.

  • Soft touch handle
  • Tool made of thermoplastic material
  • Flanges made of sturdy steel
  • Total number of flanges: 100 units

Comments (5)

| 05/01/2024 | Verified purchase
100 flanges kit and tool for placing wires Catral Twister Hook

Muy bien, y el tensor va de coña.

| 17/09/2021 | Verified purchase
100 flanges kit and tool for placing wires Catral Twister Hook

Article qui permet de réaliser facilement des fixations. RAS

| 03/07/2021 | Verified purchase
100 flanges kit and tool for placing wires Catral Twister Hook

Herramienta perfecta y comoda para fijar las bridas metalicas . Totalmente recomendable

| 28/06/2021 | Verified purchase
100 flanges kit and tool for placing wires Catral Twister Hook

Perfecto me ayudo mucho

| 27/07/2019 | Verified purchase
100 flanges kit and tool for placing wires Catral Twister Hook

Très bons produits faciles d’utilisation et permettant d’etre Seul pour la pose de brande ou de canissette

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