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Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

Brand: Bestway

Reference: 58233N

Offer: €19.95
PVP: €25.70


The international Bestway brand offers the practical skimmer to collect the leaves and dirt that float in the water of the high-design pools.


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Technical specifications:

For proper operation, simply connect it to the pool filter pump to clean the water automatically.

The skimmer comes with a hook with which to hold it at the edge of the pool and do its job without you noticing its presence.

It is very easy to assemble and clean, so it is ready to be used again in a matter of seconds.

The article also has the following characteristics:

  • Compatible with treatment plants with a flow of 3028 l / h or more
  • It is made of plastic with anti-corrosion treatment
  • Specially designed for use in removable pools
  • It is advisable to use in pools of 457 cm or higher
  • It is a product of great durability
  • It is recommended to save when the pool is not in use
  • It has the manufacturer's warranty

Comments (7)

| 09/06/2021 | Verified purchase
Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

Muy buen producto, y la entrega rápida

| 03/01/2021 | Verified purchase
Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

Excelente compra, rapidez na preparação e excelente entrega. O artigo corresponde ao descritivo.

| 08/09/2019 | Verified purchase
Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

Buen producto y estraordinaria atención y servicio al cliente Cinco estrellas Recomendable

| 18/08/2019 | Verified purchase
Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

Me gusta mucho porque mantiene el agua de la piscina sin impurezas en la superficie y mueve el agua continuamente y la mantiene limpia.

See all comments
| 16/08/2019 | Verified purchase
Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

funciona Bé

| 08/08/2019 | Verified purchase
Skimmer Bestway for elevated pools 58233

Todo ok

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Me gustaría saber con que gancho viene, en la foto primera aparecen dos. No se si es que vienen los dos. Yo quiero el que tiene como bocados no el liso. Espero su respuesta. Gracias

Store response | 08/07/2019

Buenas tardes , Le informamos que viene con varios enganches para las diferentes modelos de piscina Un saludo

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