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Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

Brand: Mantefer

Reference: 2800000100

Offer: €57.00
PVP: €75.00


Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin.Savings format for large consumption at a super affordable price.


More information

Technical characteristics:

  • Extra liquid paraffin
  • 20 Liters.

Comments (6)

| 23/12/2024 | Verified purchase
Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

Fiz uma encomenda que nunca chegou Mandei vários mails e ainda não devolveram o dinheiro

| 10/02/2024 | Verified purchase
Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

Produto excelente,sempre com avanço na entrega.Obrigado BRYCUS

| 25/01/2024 | Verified purchase
Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

Bom preço e chegou na data.

| 24/01/2024 | Verified purchase
Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

Obrigado É muito bom

| 12/01/2024 | Verified purchase
Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

É bom

See all comments
| 03/11/2022
Qlima Extra 20 Liters liquid paraffin. Mantefer

Tres satisfaction

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Was ist der Unterschied bei vom flüssigen Parafin extra zum kristall?

Store response | 05/02/2025

Der Unterschied liegt in der Qualität und dem Geruch. Das flüssige Paraffin Extra ist von höherer Qualität und hat einen geringeren Eigengeruch im Vergleich zum kristallinen Paraffin.


Sind die Versandkosten inklusive oder kommen diese noch dazu?

Store response | 05/02/2025

Die Versandkosten werden im Warenkorb angezeigt, sobald Sie die gewünschten Produkte hinzugefügt haben. So können Sie sehen, ob Versandkosten anfallen oder ob der Versand kostenlos ist. 

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