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Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

Brand: Bestway

Reference: 58220N



Protect the floor of your removable pool, with this fabulous polyethylene protector. Ideal to place between the base surface of the floor and the pool, to prevent the pool floor from fracturing, tearing or suffering punctures. The pieces fit together, as if it were a puzzle.


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Product characteristics:

Protective tapestry for the floor of removable pools. Ideal to place on the garden floor or on a concrete base, to subsequently place the pool on the protector.

Manufactured with spongy polyethylene, material of great durability and resistance, which can be used outdoors and outdoors, without causing any damage.

The texture of this protector is soft, smooth and spongy, which makes footprints more comfortable inside the pool and on the outside parts, which have been covered.

Parts easy assembly and disassembly.

Adaptable to different sizes and shapes.

  • Material: fluffy polyethylene
  • Measures width: 50 cm
  • Height measures: 50 cm
  • Thickness measures: approximately 4 mm
  • Color blue
  • Smooth texture
  • Stackable: yes
  • Pieces: 8

Comments (7)

| 02/10/2019 | Verified purchase
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

Très bon produit ,livrais très rapidement

| 15/08/2019 | Verified purchase
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

buen producto

| 05/08/2019
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

certo...fate il miglior prezzo.....e poi 12 euro di spedizione.....!!!complimenti

| 12/07/2019 | Verified purchase
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

Colis bien emballé, envoi rapide.

| 10/07/2019 | Verified purchase
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

Coincide con la descripción es lo que esperaba buen profesional recomendable

See all comments
| 10/07/2019 | Verified purchase
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

La página web fácil de buscar. El producto recibido adecuado a lo ofrecido y el envío rápido. El vinilo de mi piscina duró dos temporadas sin cobertor. Veremos lo que me dura el recambio con este cobertor.

| 10/07/2019 | Verified purchase
Protective floor for swimming pools 8 pieces of 50x50cm of fluffy polyethylene

Rápida entrega , producto apto para lo que es, proteger el linier de la piscina desmontable. Lo recomiendo.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


cual es el precio del paquete de 8

Store response | 05/02/2021

Buenos días , El paquete de 8 piezas seria 7,85€ Un saludo Equipo Brycus


Bonjour, Je souhaite installer ces dalles pour une piscine semi enterrée mais de manière permanente. Sont elles imputrescibles? Merci de votre réponse. Cordialement.

Store response | 20/03/2020

Bonjour, ces protections de sol ne conviennent qu'aux piscines autoportantes. Bonne journée. Cordialement


Devant installer mon jaccuzi gonflable dans ma véranda sur des dalles gravillonnees combien de lot sont nécessaires pour 2.5 x3.5 m ? Fournissez vous des bordures protégeant les cotes? Prix livrés Merci.

Store response | 26/11/2019

Bonjour, pour 2.5 x 3.5 m vous avez besoin de 5 lots. Nous sommes désolés, nous ne disposons pas de bordures protégeant les côtés. Merci de votre compréhension. Cordialement

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