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Palmako Grey Asphalt Cloth Roofing Felt 10 Metres

Brand: Palmako

Reference: YPAPP10000

Offer: €51.95
PVP: €70.00


Palmako Grey Asphalt Cloth Roofing Felt 10 Metres palmako


More information

Technical specifications:

  • Manufacturing material: felt and asphalt
  • Measurements: 10 meters long by 1 meter wide, 2.4 mm thick
  • Easy installation
  • Waterproof any roof effectively
  • High durability and strength
  • Easily manageable roll
  • The material adapts to all types of structures with ease
  • Essential item on any property with various roofs to protect

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Comments (1)

| 09/08/2021 | Verified purchase
Palmako Grey Asphalt Cloth Roofing Felt 10 Metres

Producto perfecto para impermeabilizar le techo de la casita infantil, me dijeron al cantidad que precisaba y exacto.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Esta tela es con acabado rugoso por la parte exterior como la tegola asfaltica ??

Store response | 08/04/2019

Buenas tardes , Es igual que la teja pero más fina Un saludo


Hola necesito poner tela asfáltica en una pérgola de madera me pregunto si esta tela que veo que vendéis es apta para ponerla en techo de madera o si hay alguna otra que quede mejor

Store response | 08/03/2019

Hola buenos dias SI que podría poner la tela asfaltica , es una tela que sirve para las casetas de madera y productos relacionados con madera Gracias, un saludo


ES autoadhesiva o se necesita soplete para su colocación?

Store response | 11/02/2019

Buenos días , Le informamos que la forma correcta de colocación es con grapas o chinchetas especiales para este tipo de montaje , en cualquier ferretería las puede conseguir . Un saludo Brycus

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