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Decorative ornament at home

Showing 7 products
Showing 7 products.


An ornament or adornment is an element or composition that serves to embellish people or things. It is an ornament, composure or attire that makes a thing attractive.

Beautifying objects or works can be divided into two classes: simple (or elementary) and compound. The former consist of a single motif, already isolated, already repeated and combined with another in series. The latter are a combination of the elementals.

Simple ornaments are in turn divided into:

calligraphic whose motifs are lines of writing;

geometric, composed of lines of geometry; There are, in turn, two types:

the one with the solid line;

that of interrupted line or simply said geometric ornament;

organic, which can correspond to beings of the vegetable kingdom or the animal kingdom and are called, respectively, phitaria and zodaria.

The calligraphic ornaments have application in the codices and in the Arabic architecture and its derivatives. In the codices they are used in very fanciful ways, even producing human figures and fantastic animals with mere pen strokes.

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