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Moto Thunder Max VX 12V

Brand: Injusa

Reference: 6811

Offer: €194.00
PVP: €220.00


Electric motorcycle made with high quality materials designed for the most adventurous children. It has an engine and accelerator brake like a real motorcycle. With its 12 V battery it can reach up to 7 km / h.


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Technical specifications

The Thunder Max Vx motorcycle is made of plastic and metal. It has electric brake and accelerator on the handle. It has a 12 V motor, which guarantees a maximum speed of 7 km / h.

Product Details:

  • Dimensions: 115 x 52 x 82 cm
  • Weight: 13.3 Kg
  • Recommended age: From 3 years.

Comments (1)

| 04/07/2019
Moto Thunder Max VX 12V

Mami hijo cumple 6 años dice que para niño de 3 años quiero que al menos le diré asta los 7 o 8 años cula es le soporte o hasta qué edad conviene esta moto por q si es para 3 años le queda muy pequeña?

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Que es gasolina o batería ? Cuántos kilos puede llevar perfectamente sin bajar su rapidez?

Store response | 30/04/2019

Buenos días , Es a batería Cuenta con un motor de 12 V, que garantiza una velocidad máxima de 7 Km/h. Saludo


Que altura tiene del asiento al suelo?

Store response | 10/12/2018

Buenos días , Le paso las características: CARACTERÍSTICAS Materiales: Plástico y metal Eléctrico : 12V Bateria y cargador incluídos Acelerador-freno: en puño Freno eléctrico Velocidad: 5-6 km/h Edad recomendada: + 3 años Peso: 13,3 kg Medidas: 115 x 52 x 82 cm Un saludo Rosana

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