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MASGAMES Slide Ramp for 1.5 m Alt Lime green

Brand: Masgames

Reference: MA604174V

Offer: €167.31
PVP: €174.00


Injected hard plastic (HDPE) slide with wave. A hose can be attached to draw water down the chute.


from 3 years


More information
Injected hard plastic (HDPE) slide with wave. A hose can be attached to draw water down the chute. To be installed on a platform with a height of 150 cm To fix with 2 countersunk head screws with a diameter of 5 to 6 mm (not included) Available in light green color. Measurements: 3000 x 525 mm It is a slide for private use playgrounds.

Comments (3)

| 09/10/2022 | Verified purchase
MASGAMES Slide Ramp for 1.5 m Alt Lime green

Fantástico, robusto y largo

| 24/09/2022 | Verified purchase
MASGAMES Slide Ramp for 1.5 m Alt Lime green

Una pequeña demora en el envio , pero el paquete llegó bien, envuelto y sin daños. Todo correcto

| 27/05/2021 | Verified purchase
MASGAMES Slide Ramp for 1.5 m Alt Lime green

Buen material , encaja perfectamente en plataformas de 1.50m como el modelo Bosse de Palmako.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Qual o prazo de entrega?

Store response | 18/07/2024

Bom dia

A partir da data da compra cerca de 10 dias

Uma saudação


Buenas noches! Me gustaría saber si tenéis stock de esta rampa en color azul claro o turquesa. Gracias. Un saludo.

Store response | 11/06/2024

Buenos días, 

Solo nos quedan en verde lima 

Un saludo 

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