Brycus home and garden
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Brand: Masgames

Reference: MA700063

Offer: €616.00
PVP: €770.00


The KARAI swing is made of square wood. The advantages of square wood is that it has fewer cracks, because it is a wood that is cut from the center of the tree. The swing includes the wood, two plastic seats with synthetic ropes, hooks, a set of corners and a set of anchors. choose the color of the corners between RED, GREEN and BLUE. Measurements: 2.15 m (height) x 2.80 m (width) x 3.40 m (length) The KARAI swing is very strong and resistant and is made of square wood 88x88 cm thick, which makes it a structure that allows adults to swing too.


from 3 years


More information
The KARAI DELUXE swing is for private use and has an excellent value for money as well as being a swing so that adults and children can swing at the same time. Warning: Recommended age from 3 years.

Comments (1)

| 07/11/2021 | Verified purchase

l'altalena è molto bella , bisogna montarla con attenzione per fermarla bene ma è robusta

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir comment fonctionne le système de fixation au sol? est-ce qu'il y a besoin de béton? En vous remerciant, Jihane

Store response | 14/03/2022


Il faudrait percer un trou, couler du ciment et le fixer au sol.

En vous souhaitant une bonne journée.




La balancoire est en chaînes où en corde ? Et la hauteur centrale est bien de 215 cms ? Merci de votre réponse cordialement 

Store response | 23/09/2021

Bonjour, la balancoire est en chaînes. La hauteur centre est bien de 215 cm. Cordialement

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