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Linseed Oil for Crude Wood Bricotex

Brand: Bricotex

Offer From €10.95


Linseed oil for raw wood, 100% natural. Natural oil without chemical additives, especially for the protection and waterproofing of surfaces such as wood, brick or tile. For inside and outside. Also suitable for thinning oil paints. Contains no siccatives of any kind. Applications: Used to preserve, nourish, protect and polish surfaces, especially wood, brick, terrazzo or tile, both indoors and outdoors. It is highly recommended to protect all types of wood outdoors (roof eaves, beams, doors and windows, etc.). It is a product that is also frequently used in the dilution of oil paints. Indicative coverage: one liter of oil is enough to cover between 12 and 15 m2 of surface (wood or porous ceramics), depending on the type and condition of the surface where it is applied. Drying time to the touch: between 5 and 6 hours.

Ref.: ALCR1
€10.95 €12.95
(€10.95 per l)
Free shipping
Ref.: ALCR25
Liters: 25L.
€189.00 €225.00
(€7.56 per l)
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Technical characteristics:

  • Linseed oil should be applied to sanded, dry, dust and grease-free surfaces. For a better result, it is recommended to apply with a brush and applying in the direction of the wood grain in thin layers. It can also be used with a roller or spray gun.
  • Apply the first coat diluted with 20% Pure Turpentine or Citrorrás.
  • Let 24 hours pass between coats. Touch dry time ranges from 3 to 5 hours, depending on ambient temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Greater adherence of the linseed oil will be achieved if the excess product is removed with the help of a cloth and sanded lightly before applying the next coat.
  • Do not dilute or dilute the product less in the following coats.
  • This product should not be applied when the weather conditions are excessively humid or with the Sun shining directly on the surface.

ATTENTION: Natural and synthetic fabrics, as well as paper impregnated with linseed oil, can ignite spontaneously.

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| 31/12/2024
Linseed Oil for Crude Wood Bricotex

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