Brycus home and garden
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Light barrier - module 3.66 x 1.28 cm high

Brand: Gre

Reference: 779700

Flash offer: €62.00 (€12.55 per m²)
PVP: €161.00
  • Quantity
  • Only 1 left in stock
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Lightweight safety barrier to place around the pool. Ideal to place in homes where there is the presence of children. Made with high quality materials, anticorrosive and UV protected. The length of this safety barrier is adaptable, as is its shape, so it is useful for any type of pool.


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Product characteristics:

With this light safety barrier, children will have restricted access to the pool, they can only enter it with the consent and under the care of an adult, which will prevent accidents and unpleasant moments.

The profiles are made of lacquered aluminum, high quality material and resistant to various climatic conditions.

The barrier is made of transparent polyester, reinforced with UV protection treatment. The veil effect of the barrier allows the pool to always be visible, ideal for keeping children guarded when they are inside the pool.

The barrier is adaptable, so it is suitable for swimming pools of any size. Every 3.66 meters, another light safety barrier must be installed, to cover the desired area.

Each barrier has an anticorrosive lock, to enter and exit the area for the desired location.

Quick and easy installation.

  • Material: aluminum and canvas
  • Width: 366 centimeters
  • Height: 128 centimeters
  • White color


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Questions (2)


Preciso 25 metros de comprimento por um metro, ou por um metro e alguns centímetros, e não entendo como fazer o meu pedido. Por favor me den instruções.

Store response | 25/10/2021

Temos apenas os seguintes tamanhos de módulo:

módulo 3,66 x 1,28 cm de altura


E compreso anche di cancellino x entrare

Store response | 22/01/2019

Salve, ogni kit contiene una parte con un sistema d'apertura. Un cordiale saluto.

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