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Kokido Rubber Floor Tapestry 60x60 cm Blue

Brand: Bestway

Reference: MS10SW/BLU

Offer: €28.95
PVP: €29.85


The Bestway 60 x 60 cm blue rubber floor mat for removable pools is a product that combines two important characteristics: the protection of the liner from possible punctures and the pleasant feeling when stepping on thanks to the padding it provides. It is made of spongy polyethylene. It includes eight pieces of 60 x 60 cm each, which fit together with a system similar to a puzzle. Each packet of Bestway rubber flooring 60 x 60 cm adds 2 square meters of surface between all the pieces.


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- Prevents the pool from being in contact with the imperfections of the ground.

- Protects the liner from possible punctures by stones, scratches.

- It is made of spongy polyethylene.

- It has a thickness of 8 mm so that the surface is padded and comfortable.

- Formed by 8 pieces of 60 x 60 that come together like a puzzle.

Comments (2)

| 27/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Kokido Rubber Floor Tapestry 60x60 cm Blue

Muy buenas

| 26/06/2021 | Verified purchase
Kokido Rubber Floor Tapestry 60x60 cm Blue


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