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Electric calecfactor with thermostat and 3 power levels Kekai Slim 2,000W (58.5x25x40.8cm)

Brand: Kekai

Reference: KTP2000

Offer: €34.77
PVP: €79.15


Heat and functionality come together in this electric convector to provide warmth in your home. With this heater you can heat a room inside the home or office thanks to its 2000 W. You will only have to connect the appliance to the electrical network and choose the power between the three levels it offers (750/1250/2000 W). Then adjust the heat level by progressively turning the thermostat knob to the right to select from minimum to maximum temperature. The appliance will turn off when the temperature reaches the selected one; as the temperature drops, it will automatically connect. It also has a security system that turns it off in case of overheating. This convector works by expelling heat through the upper grill, you just have to choose a smooth and stable surface, you can also move it comfortably thanks to its light weight handles. Bet on an electrical connector for your living room, office or bedroom!


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Technical characteristics:

  • 3 heat settings: 750/1250 / 2000W
  • With adjustable thermostat
  • With safety protection against overheating
  • With handle
  • Standing

Comments (1)

| 10/02/2022 | Verified purchase
Electric calecfactor with thermostat and 3 power levels Kekai Slim 2,000W (58.5x25x40.8cm)

Para que caliente tiene que estar a tope es decir 1500 w.Si no no sirve para nada.

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