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Karcher K2 Full Control electric high pressure washer

Brand: Kärcher

Reference: 1.673-400.0

Offer: €109.00
PVP: €130.00


Karcher K2 Full Control electric high pressure washer karcher


More information

Technical characteristics:

    • Surface performance of 20 m² / H
    • It has 3 different pressure levels for easy cleaning adaptation on different surfaces: SOFT, MEDIUM and HARD
    • Your accessories can be fastened for safekeeping in the equipment
    • Includes: high pressure gun, high pressure hose, connector for irrigation hoses and water filter.
    • Item dimensions: 246 cm x 280 cm x 586 cm. Totally light weighs approximately 4.5 kg

    Comments (2)

    | 17/08/2019 | Verified purchase
    Karcher K2 Full Control electric high pressure washer

    Muy buena máquina, muy ligera de peso, ocupa poco espacio y quedan todos los accesorios recogidos en la máquina.

    | 15/08/2019 | Verified purchase
    Karcher K2 Full Control electric high pressure washer

    Todo muy bien

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    The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

    Questions (1)


    Buenos días, la hidrolimpiadora k3 full control viene con accesorios? En la oferta que tenéis.

    Store response | 22/04/2019

    Buenas tardes , Le detallamos lo que incluye : pistola de alta presión, manguera de alta presión, conector para mangueras de riego y filtro de agua. Un salud

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