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5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

Brand: K2O

Reference: K1012Q

Offer: €37.50
PVP: €48.40


Chlorinated disinfectant with algicide, flocculant and stabilizer incorporated. The K2O 5 Actions multi-action chlorine is a formulated product capable of eliminating bacteria and microorganisms, which prevents the growth of algae and keeps the pool water crystalline. Presented in tablets of 200 grams, the multi-action chlorine K2O 5 Actions is a single product that allows prolonged and regular maintenance of the pool. Available in 5 kg container.


More information

-Colo Multiacción K2O 5 Actions.

-5 kg container (200 gr tablets).




- pH stabilizer.


-Manufacturer warranty, K2O.

Comments (6)

| 04/08/2023 | Verified purchase
5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

Ate agora estou satisfeito com o produto, agua sempre limpa de algas e clara.

| 28/08/2021 | Verified purchase
5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

Es eficaz y dura bastante

| 10/04/2020 | Verified purchase
5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

Excellent produit

| 08/04/2020 | Verified purchase
5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

Produit pas encore testé.

| 06/08/2019 | Verified purchase
5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

Buen cloro, mantiene el agua cristalina, sin irritar la piel y dura bastantes días cada tableta. Recomendable.

See all comments
| 10/07/2019 | Verified purchase
5 kg of multi -action chlorine 5 actions

No lo he recibido y no recibo respuesta, estoy muy descontenta!

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Bom dia. Este produto pode ser usado em piscinas elevadas de Liner ou Tela Armada? Obrigado

Store response | 03/09/2021

Buenas tardes , 

si , pero siempre  usando un dosificados flotante 

Un saludo 

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