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Injusa Battery Charger 6V 0.6A

Brand: Injusa

Reference: 606

Flash offer: €13.70
PVP: €22.00
  • Quantity
  • Only 4 left in stock
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Injusa Battery Charger 6V 0.6A injusa


More information

  • Compatible with batteries for Injusa 6V vehicles.
  • Weight: 259g
  • Power: 6V
  • Color: black

Comments (1)

| 16/01/2019
Injusa Battery Charger 6V 0.6A

bom dia Como poderia proceder a compra desta bateria

Store response | 16/01/2019

Bom Dia, Você deve adicioná-lo ao carrinho a partir da página em Português e preencher as informações solicitadas pelo site e efetuar o pagamento online. Atenciosamente, Equipe Brycus

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Bonjour, Ce chargeur est-il compatible pour une batterie INJUSA 6V HIGH POWER IJ6-2.8AH. Merci

Store response | 10/10/2023

Caractéristiques techniques:

Chargeur pour batteries 6V.

Pour entrée 100-240 V 50-60 Hz

Sortie 6 V 600 mA

À partir de 12 mois

Idéal pour le Samuray 6V Trimoto


est ce que votre chargeur est valable pour une batterie de 2AH, merci de votre reponse

Store response | 15/10/2019

Bonjour, Le chargeur est valable pour les batteries 6v. 2,0ah, 6v. 4,5ah et 6v. 7,2ah. Merci de votre compréhension. Cordialement


Buenas noches necesito cargador de moto de 6v es una bmv 1200 el día que le regalamos la moto se perdió el cargador entre el papel de regalo y no lo hemos visto. Por favor si lo tienen le ruego me contesten al email o pueden llamar al 650033726. Gracias.

Store response | 10/12/2018

Buenos días , Le informamos que en estos momentos disponemos de stock del cargador , puede hacer el pedido en la web . Un saludo Rosana

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