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Industrial Wall Fan DF750-TW 195 m3/h flow rate Tecna

Brand: Tecna

Reference: 202DFP750WB

Offer: €149.00
PVP: €186.00


Tecna's industrial wall fans have various powers from 900 to 2200 W, depending on the model. Industrial fans are designed for industrial environments such as warehouses, factories or work centers.


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Technical characteristics:

Power: 160 W

Flow: 195 m³/h

Sound level: 65 dB

low consumption motor and low noise level

Speeds: 3

• Adjustable oscillation angle

Comments (1)

| 19/08/2023 | Verified purchase
Industrial Wall Fan DF750-TW 195 m3/h flow rate Tecna

El producto tiene la calidad esperada y anunciada. La entrega se realizó sin problemas en el plazo establecido.

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