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Grass seed Zulueta Sahara

Brand: Zulueta

Offer €9.95 (€9.95 per kg)
Available only in store
This product can only be purchased in store


Grass seed Zulueta Sahara zulueta

Ref.: SC018CC
1 kg
€9.95 €11.50
(€9.95 per kg)
Free shipping
Available only in store


More information


Resistant species, it can be used in continental areas and consumes less water compared to similar mixtures.

  • Supports summer temperatures
  • Lawn that supports traffic
  • It does not need abundant irrigation
  • Low fungicide maintenance
  • Planting quantity 35/40 gr m2
  • Cutting height above 3 cm
  • Supports environmental salinity and in irrigation water
  • Ideal for low maintenance meadows

Comments (1)

| 11/09/2021 | Verified purchase
Grass seed Zulueta Sahara

Je viens de semer ! Pour la levée j'attends les résultats. Si favorable 25 kh seront à venir. 

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Olá! Antes de comprar o produto pretendo saber quando é a altura do ano para a sua germinação? E se o clima de Portugal é ideal para este produto? Obrigado,

Store response | 05/11/2024

Pode ser plantada desde o final da primavera até ao início de agosto. O importante é que não esteja muito frio e seja regado regularmente.


How long is the seed germination time? We planted seeds 2 days ago and follow directions on the box. We do not see any germination yet.

Store response | 12/04/2024

Good morning,

You must follow the instructions given and take into account all weather conditions.



Peut-on planter ce gazon sur du sable. C’est pour application en Morbihan 56

Store response | 06/04/2022

Bonjour, vous pouvez planter ce gazon sur une pelouse sableuse, mais pas directement sur du sable. Cordialement

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