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Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter

Brand: GRAF

Offer From €109.00


Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter graf

Stock and delivery
Ref.: 626001
400 liters
Only 5 left in stock
€109.00 €129.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 626002
600 liters
In stock. Immediate shipment.
€129.00 €159.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 626003
900 liters
Only 7 left in stock
€209.00 €239.00
Free shipping


More information

Technical characteristics:

  • Made of fiber: weatherproof
  • Lightweight and flat walls: easier to move and clean
  • Wide top opening for easy filling
  • The compost is easily extracted thanks to the lower access
  • Available in different capacities

Comments (5)

| 16/04/2023 | Verified purchase
Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter

eficiente e rápido no tratamento e entrega

| 28/04/2021
Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter

Um já meio cheio e do tamanho perfeito. Fácil de montar e material de boa qualidade.

| 09/12/2020 | Verified purchase
Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter

No hay mucho que comentar. Dentro de las expectativas.

| 02/12/2020 | Verified purchase
Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter

El artículo llego en la fecha prevista y la atención ha sido genial. Me equivoqué al introducir mi correo electrónico, pero no ha sido ningún problema para que el proceso de entrega fuera perfecto.

| 06/11/2020 | Verified purchase
Graf Thermo-King Garden Composter

Recebi o producto no tempo previsto,bem embalado,funcione sem problemas. Obrigada.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Bom dia; Quais as medidas do compositor de 900L E DE 600L? Obrigada Inês Mota

Store response | 14/04/2022

Bom día,

  • Medidas compostador 600 L (alto x largo x ancho): 104 x 80 80 cm
  • Medidas compostador 900 L (alto x largo x ancho): 100 x 100 x 100 cm

Un saludo,


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