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Garhe chopper N.32

Brand: Garhe

Reference: 00032

Offer: €83.11
PVP: €122.00


This type of mincers are perfect for controlling the movement by turning manually through a handle. The number 32 grinder is one of the largest on the market with a large hopper to insert feed balls and be able to work with large quantities. The Garhe 32 manual mincer is a traditional machine perfect for chopping sausage and meat ready for stuffing. With this mincer you can make any type of sausage at home.


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Technical characteristics:

  • Head, spindle, nut and crank made of cast iron, hot-tinned.
  • Blade and plate made of stamped steel and hardened.
  • Traditional fastening machine by means of screws that respond to the strictest crushing requirements.
  • Allows a hopper to be attached, so that, respecting the width of the mouth, total safety is guaranteed and, at the same time, production is increased even more by being able to load more meat.
  • Safety guaranteed.
  • Excellent for slaughter.
  • Quality materials.
  • Easy to use and clean. 

Comments (1)

| 04/11/2023 | Verified purchase
Garhe chopper N.32

Je ne l'ai pas encore utilisé, il semble très robuste et stable

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Questions (1)


Bonjour Auriez vous des pièces détachées pour cet hachoir en n°32 ? Couteaux, grilles... Merci de m appeler

Store response | 18/05/2023

les pièces de rechange ne sont pas disponibles 

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