Brycus home and garden
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Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

Flash offer: €11.70 (€5.85 per m²)


The fixed latticework of PVC material is useful in the decoration and improvement of terraces, patios and gardens.

Stock and delivery
Ref.: 2021908
Only 2 left in stock
€11.70 €29.00
(€5.85 per m²)
Free shipping
Ref.: 2021907
Only 1 left in stock
€11.70 €32.00
Free shipping


More information

This type of trellis can be used to support climbing plants and they are another decorative element of the garden or terrace. They are made with a square grid pattern of 48 mm frame in 1 x 2 meter panels. They can be bought in brown, white, green or black.

Comments (6)

| 04/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

Bien reçu, a voir avec le temps si ils sont assez costauds pour les grimpantes.

| 07/04/2021 | Verified purchase
Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

This is a nice product, very good quality and finish

| 21/03/2021 | Verified purchase
Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

Very happy with product and service thank you!

| 16/10/2019 | Verified purchase
Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

Muy buen producto a muy buen precio.

| 24/07/2019 | Verified purchase
Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

para lo que la queria es total,en el lateral de una jardinera de obra para amarrar las plantas,muy contento con la compra y el servicio

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| 10/07/2019 | Verified purchase
Fixed PVC lattice 1 x 2 meters 48 mm

Buen artículo, las compré para mi terraza para dar un poco de privacidad y con unas plantas ha quedado perfecta.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (5)


Bonjour, Ce produit est tout à faite ce que je recherche pour mettre sur mon balcon toutefois celui-ci fait 5 m de large n'est -il pas possible de commander seulement 6 m ? ou avez-vous un autre produit qui pourrait me satisfaire merci pour votre aide cordialement

Store response | 10/06/2022


Nous vous informons que les dimensions sont celle qui apparaissent sur notre site.




Quelle est la différence entre le treillis PVC fixe 1 x 2m 18mm et celui de 1 x 2m ouvertures losanges 48mm Et quelle est l'ouverture des losanges du 18mm M Merci pour votre réponse

Store response | 12/02/2020

Bonjour, pourriez-vous nous communiquer les références de chacun des produits ? Merci d'avance. Cordialement


Hi. Are you able to provide this product at 0.5 x 2 meters?

Store response | 04/02/2020

Hi, we are sorry, we don't have this measurements. Kind regards

See all questions

se pueden hacer paños a medida , con cerco en los estremos, para 4 paños de 3*1,mas otro a determinar?.

Store response | 30/04/2019

Buenos días , Le informamos que no realizamos trabajos a medida Un saludo


Podrian cortar la celosía de forma que la medida fuera 0,78x2.Espero su respuesta.Gracias

Store response | 26/04/2019

Buenos días , Le informamos que no realizamos cortes Un saludo

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