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Extra-thick ecological heather 3 cm 3 m roll - different heights 2.5 - 2.9 kg / m2

Offer From €40.00
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from €40.00
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4 units
from €38.80 / unit
Save up to €9.60
6 units
from €38.40 / unit
Save up to €16.00
8 units
from €38.00 / unit
1 unit
Save €4.80
4 units
€38.80 / unit
Save €9.60
6 units
€38.40 / unit
Save €16.00
8 units
€38.00 / unit
1 unit
Save €9.72
4 units
€78.57 / unit
Save €19.44
6 units
€77.76 / unit
Save €32.40
8 units
€76.95 / unit
1 unit
Save €4.80
4 units
€38.80 / unit
Save €9.60
6 units
€38.40 / unit
Save €16.00
8 units
€38.00 / unit
Available only in store
This product can only be purchased in store


Extra-thick ecological heather 3 cm 3 m roll - different heights 2.5 - 2.9 kg / m2


Ref.: 11040002
Length: 300 cm
Height: 100 cm
€40.00 €46.00
4 Units x €38.80/ud
6 Units x €38.40/ud
8 Units x €38.00/ud
Free shipping
Available only in store
Ref.: 11040005
Length: 300 cm
Height: 200cm
€81.00 €89.00
(€13.50 per m²)
4 Units x €78.57/ud
6 Units x €77.76/ud
8 Units x €76.95/ud
Free shipping
Available only in store


More information

Technical specifications:

It is an ideal mesh to place in the garden and achieve an effective and natural concealment.

This product is made with natural heather frogs that have been assembled with a galvanized steel wire.

  • It is an ecological article
  • Level of concealment: 80 - 85%
  • Approximate product density: 2.5 - 2.9 kg / m2
  • Approximate product length: 3 m
  • Product available in different heights

You can visit our area brands: Catral

For more info do not hesitate to call us at the Brycus Information telephone: 638009387

Comments (3)

| 13/06/2023
Extra-thick ecological heather 3 cm 3 m roll - different heights 2.5 - 2.9 kg / m2

Es ce que ça résiste à l hiver ?

| 29/04/2021 | Verified purchase
Extra-thick ecological heather 3 cm 3 m roll - different heights 2.5 - 2.9 kg / m2

Conforme à mes attentes, seule amélioration à apporter : informations concernant le suivi de livraison.

| 07/04/2021 | Verified purchase
Extra-thick ecological heather 3 cm 3 m roll - different heights 2.5 - 2.9 kg / m2


How do reviews and ratings work?

The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Bonjour, Est-il possible de couper sur la longueur la brande de bruyere sans pour autant qu'elle se délite? En effet, j'ai un mur qui fait 2,2m de longueur, d'où la question. MErci d'avance, Cdlt

Store response | 05/04/2021

Bonjour, vous pouvez couper sur la longueur la brande de bruyère, cependant il faut faire attention aux fils qui la maintiennent. Cordialement


brande de bruyere en5 mètres, avez-vous svp?

Store response | 28/03/2019

Bonsoir, Non, les rouleaux de brande de bruyère n'existent qu'en 3 m, mais de différentes hauteurs. Ci-joint le lien sur notre site du produit qui vous intéresse : Merci pour votre intérêt. Cordialement, Equipe Brycus Alexandra


este brezo es 100% ocultación?

Store response | 19/02/2019

Buenas tardes , Le informamos que el nivel de ocultación es de 80 - 85% Un saludo Equipo Brycus

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