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Expandable wicker lattice with basic sheets

Flash offer: €12.50


To create different and natural divisions or spaces in your garden or inside your home, the extensible wicker latticework is ideal.

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Ref.: 2021987
1 x 2 m
Only 2 left in stock
€12.50 €35.00
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Technical specifications

The extensible lattice allows a custom installation and thus adapt it to your needs. Made of wicker, it provides warmth and is therefore perfect for covering a wall and giving it a natural look. It comes with artificial leaves very resistant to inclement weather.

  • Materials: wicker lattice. artificial plastic sheets.
  • Measures: 0.5 mx 1.5 m. 1 x 2 m.

Comments (1)

| 30/04/2021 | Verified purchase
Expandable wicker lattice with basic sheets

Boa relação qualidade preço.

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