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Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

Brand: Qaito

Reference: Q20

Offer: €199.00
PVP: €229.00
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For small fireplaces. No work required, economical and easy to use. 100% French made. Patented invention, winner of the gold medal at the 2011 Lepine competition. Watch the demonstration video at the bottom of this page and you will be won over! We recommend that you read the instructions carefully.


More information

Technical characteristics:

  • Height: 13 cm
  • Width of the stainless-steel plate: 36 cm
  • Depth of the stainless-steel plate: 28 cm
  • Diameter: 25 cm
  • Suitable for "standard" stoves and inserts where you usually use logs of 40 to 50 cm
  • High-quality cast-iron burner
  • Stainless steel coating
  • The stainless-steel plate is placed under the burner
  • 100% French manufacture
  • Warranty: 2 years


  • Fill your burner with 1.7 kg of pellets.
  • Add a fire starter on top and light it.
  • After 6 minutes, you will enjoy 5 times more heat than using wood for 1.5 hours.
  • You only need to add more pellets to keep the fire going.
  • Only a few grams of ash need to be collected after a fire.
  • Your fireplace will stay clean.

Watch the demonstration video on this page and you will be convinced!

How it works:

  • The combustion air flows through the pellet mass to the top layer of the fire.
  • The natural draught of the fireplace or insert provides the necessary negative pressure.
  • The incoming air is captured by the base plate.
  • The combination of burner shape and lining ensures the optimal distribution of the intake air.
  • The slots distribute the primary and secondary air to ensure complete and clean combustion (afterburning).


We are one of the leading sellers of Qaito in France and Europe and, as such, we are considered as their preferred partner by the manufacturer.

This allows us to offer special benefits to our costumers:

  • Guaranteed lowest prices on the web! And this with an optimal quality of ater-sales service.
  • Out team is trained in Qaito products. We can therefore inform you about any questions you may have about this peller burner, which is much more efficient that many other competitor on the market. And this besfore you purchase or even afterwards.
  • Qaito burners are kept in stock in our warehouses. This allows us to deliver very quickly. If we do not advertise the shortest delivery times on the website, it is because we respect the announced delivery times in more than 96% of the cases.
  • On any request for after-sales service, we have a priority treatment reserved for us. This will allow you to get a damaged part as soon as possible.

    Videos (3)

    Comments (9)

    | 08/12/2024 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Bon produit, solide et de qualité, fonctionne très bien.

    | 15/09/2024
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Hola. Me gustaría saber sobre la efectividad del producto, es decir, la cantidad de pellets es una hora de calor como si se quema madera, puesto que otra cestas convertidoras necesitan mucho producto para tener calor. Gracias.

    | 03/01/2024 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Pratique à installer, mais ne peut servir que de chauffage d'appoint ou de déco, car n'apporte la chaleur que devant le poele.

    | 20/10/2023 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Très bonne société. Livraison dans les délais. Remarque : Dans le forum Truspilot: des personnes reçoivent les colis , tardivement, via paiement PayPal. Tant que la société ne reçoit pas le paiement, les livraisons sont retardées. Moi, j'ai réglé par CB , directement à la société. Règlement reçu dans la minute, préparation et envoi du colis envoyé dans la matinée. Avec un mail envoyé de la société et le suivi du transporteur GLS. Super. Le Quaito 20, un très bon produit français. Je vous le recommande. Très bonne entreprise. Rapide, efficace, le suivi.

    | 19/01/2023 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Den er lige som jeg havde forventet og fungere perfekt mvh Niels

    See all comments
    | 15/12/2021 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Entspricht der Beschreibung. Funktioniert einwandfrei!

    | 15/12/2021 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Heel erg leuk om van de open haard ook een pellet haard te kunnen maken. Werkt goed. En geeft goed warmte en een gezellig vuur. Alleen het schoonmaken de volgende dag is even een karweitje voor handschoenen. Verder prima!

    | 03/03/2021 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Ottimo prodotto, pratico come sosttuitivo del riscaldamento a legna.

    | 12/02/2021 | Verified purchase
    Pellet burner for chimneys or chim

    Entrega feita muito rápidamente, com produto muito bem acondicionado Queimador de muito boa qualidade

    How do reviews and ratings work?

    The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

    Questions (6)


    Vorrei sapere se è necessario un vetro davanti al camino oppure no

    Store response | 20/11/2024

    al usar pellet crea molto meno fumo la la legna convenzionale. Rispetto al vetro dipende da lei.


    Kann ich meinen Qaito10 mit der Edelstahlplatte zu einem Qaito 20 aufrüsten? Wo bekomme ich die Platte und was kostet die Edelstahlplatte für den Qaito 20?Mit freundlichen Grüßen Brigitte Bremen,Heinrich-Luhmann-Weg 27, 58739 Wickede, Tel. 02377-6909

    Store response | 05/04/2022

    Es tut uns leid, aber es ist nicht möglich 


    Buongiorno, gentilmente mi potete contattare con la massima urgenza, è una settimana che vi chiamo probabilmente l'agente in italiano non esiste ... Vi ho scritto 3 mail Chiedo un minimo di serietà. Grazie, Paolo Bernasconi

    Store response | 05/04/2022

    Ciao buongiorno 

    Siamo spiacenti per l'inconveniente causato.

    Informiamo che l'ordine sarà consegnato oggi all'agenzia di trasporto. 

    Scusa per il ritardo 

    Grazie, cordiali saluti 

    Squadra Brycus 

    See all questions

    Hoe lang is de brand tijd met een vol mandje pellets?

    Store response | 16/11/2021

    • 6 minuter senare kommer du att njuta av en värmebrand som är 5 gånger högre än den för trä i 1H30. Lägg bara till pellet för att hålla elden på.


    Ho un camino in muratura a legna che ha una lunghezza di cm 50. Ls profondità è di cm 30. È APERTO DAVANTI. Passo inserire un bruciatore? Mi serve un tubo da inserire dentro al camino?. Grazie

    Store response | 21/11/2019

    Salve, lo può inserire senza problemi, non ha bisogno di nessun tubo.


    Bjr, j'ai une petite cheminée équipée d'un insert dont les dimensions intérieures sont : LARG 31XLONG54XHT 34. Je voudrai acheter un bruleur à pellets Qaito, mais le 10 ou le 20 ? Il me semble que le 20 ne conviendrait pas, à cause de la plaque plus grande... ? Que me conseillez-vous svp ? Cordialement,

    Store response | 04/10/2019

    Bonjour, Nous vous conseillons le Qaïto 10, étant donné les dimensions de votre cheminée. Merci de votre compréhension. Cordialement

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