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Duramax EcoPentRoof Metal Shelter 8x4 263x124x182 cm. Gray

Brand: Duramax

Reference: 50026-1-DRX01

Offer: €445.00
PVP: €543.00


Metal shed "ECO PENTROOF 8X4" is focused on a tighter budget, but without sacrificing quality. Elegant anthracite gray color, they are made of first-use steel panels of the highest quality, high-strength compact corrugated in a panel thickness of 0.33 mm. Providing maximum strength and safety. They are galvanized and electrostatically painted, easy to assemble, with paneled walls, anti-corrosion treatment and an attractive finish that will adapt to the environment.




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Duramax Metal Shed 263X 124X 182Cm Gray

Comments (1)

| 16/10/2024 | Verified purchase
Duramax EcoPentRoof Metal Shelter 8x4 263x124x182 cm. Gray

Blacha niezbyt gruba, ale do przechowywania tylko sprzętu ogrodowego w sam raz. Ciężko składa się samemu, ale jest to możliwe, po prostu zajmuję dłużej. Świetna instrukcja i opisanie części.

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