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Dichondra repens Flower 250g seed

Brand: Flower

Reference: 1-10794

Flash offer: €15.70
PVP: €21.00
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Dichondra repens seeds of excellent quality that result in plants with heart-shaped leaves. Its use is, essentially, decorative.


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It does not need to be watered and withstands hot climates well. Perhaps in winter you notice something else that slows your growth rate. It covers large areas of land to be a type of grass with a wider leaf. You can sow these seeds instead of grass to get a meadow in your own home and also to create different spaces in your garden.

Comments (2)

| 17/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Dichondra repens Flower 250g seed


| 27/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Dichondra repens Flower 250g seed

Dichondra via deze site besteld. Super snelle levering. Is de 2e maal dat ik hier bestel en beide keren erg tevreden. Ze doen wat ze beloven en het produkt is van goede kwaliteit.

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