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Straight Profile Corten Steel Edges

Flash offer: €15.20


Corten steel border edging

Stock and delivery
Ref.: 49510
100 x 20 cm
Only 7 left in stock
€15.20 €24.90
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These steel cuts Corten are manufactured on demand / order and are sent directly from the manufacturer, for this reason, their delivery may be more prolonged or suffer some delay than other more "conventional / manufactured" products.

Corten edges experience forced oxidation from the factory. Once installed in your garden, the oxidation phenomenon continues to stabilize allowing you to show a great result.

This high-end alloy steel, much appreciated by architects, has a very aesthetic rusty appearance with the peculiarity of not degrading over time. Corten steel edging resists extreme weather conditions.

These pieces of borduras give a contemporary and rustic touch to the design of their spaces, highlighting their achievements.

Corten steel is a type of steel manufactured with a chemical composition that gives its oxidation special characteristics that allow it to protect the workpiece against atmospheric corrosion, without practically affecting its produced characteristics. This feature allows this outdoor material to not deteriorate. Its oxidized appearance is highly valued since it integrates perfectly in modern areas or rustic spaces, giving it an inimitable aesthetic!

Assembly is really easy. You do not need screws or tools if you decide to buy Corten Steel Stake Unions and 90 ° Steel Angles Cut to fit borduras at the same time on our website.

What is the corten?

Corten edges are made of non-slip surface corrosion steel, which makes them resist extreme weather conditions.

Cor-Ten is a steel that can be used without surface treatment and that is protected against corrosion by forming a layer of self-protecting oxide on the metal under the influence of atmospheric conditions. This oxide layer protects the metal on which it is strongly delays further oxidation. Therefore, Cor-Ten has a much longer life than conventional steel.

This high-end alloy steel, particularly modern, has a rusty steel look, but does not disintegrate.

There are 2 types of Corten: A and B:

The Corten edges presented here are in Corten A, ideal for this type of product.

Corten A is a steel alloy to which chromium, copper and phosphorus have been added during casting.

These elements have been added to increase their resistance to corrosion and atmospheric attack by forming a self-protective layer of oxides in the base metal, under the influence of atmospheric conditions (definition according to AFNOR).

This patina evolves over time. Therefore, some nuances may appear depending on the conditions of exposure in inclement weather and light / sun orientation. Each piece is unique and will evolve over time.

Corten steel is covered by NF EN 10025-5.

Patented model, the CORTEN edging allows the realization of ALL shapes and contours without tools: right, sharp or obtuse angles, curves of all rays or just straight lines.

Use the CORTEN edging to delineate your lawns, your driveway or your garden.

Very easy installation: no sand, concrete and no tools to buy separately. Simply push the edge to the required depth with a mallet, protecting the edge with a block of wood. For really difficult terrain, first draw a groove to place the edge.

Comments (14)

| 26/10/2023 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

produit conforme au descriptif et identique à celui que je possédais déjà

| 03/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Se ajusta a lo esperado. Muy decorativas. Son mejores con el borde doblado, pero se incrementa demasiado el precio.

| 07/12/2022 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Très bien, comforme à la description. Livraison sans problème !

| 09/11/2022 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Conforme a lo esperado y anunciado. Bien empaquetada y sin dobleces. Con paciencia y sujetándola con unos sargentos, la he doblado para hacer ángulos rectos por donde he querido. Con piedra amarilla ha quedado muy chula.

| 23/07/2022 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Bordure de 20cm ,faciles à poser,super esthétiques. Je suis ravie

See all comments
| 21/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Muy práctico y fávil de montar

| 24/10/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Produits de qualité conformes à la description. Livraison rapide.

| 28/09/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Tal como anunciado, em aço Corten. Rápidos e eficientes, de fácil aplicação, Recomendo.

| 30/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Parfait, bien emballé, rapide. Contente de mon achat 👍

| 19/06/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Todo muy bien

| 23/04/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Ya las he comprado varias veces y las uso para delimitar zonas de flores en el jardin. La verdad es que esteticamente quedan fenomenal, son fáciles de instalar y manipular.

| 03/02/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

perfecto en todo, sigue fallando seguimiento del pedido

| 03/01/2021 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Todo correcto y facilidad de colocacion

| 18/03/2020 | Verified purchase
Corten steel border edging

Tutto ok

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (18)


Bonjour, Est ce qu'il est possible d'avoir des longueurs de : 1,5 m . Cordialement.

Store response | 11/05/2023

Non, désolé, les pièces mesurent 1 mètre de long.


Bonjour comme je n'ai pas eu de réponse à mon précédent message je me permets de vous demander à nouveau si les bordures existent en différentes longueur (plus long que 1m)? Si non est-il possible de les couper facilement? et comment? merci pour une réponse rapide

Store response | 22/03/2023

Il n'y a pas que cette taille, il est possible de les couper avec une machine spéciale. 


Bonjour Est il possible d avoir une hauteur de 25 à 30 cm svp .? Cordialement C est pour caler un débordement de fondation et mettre une petite couche de cailloux Cordialement

Store response | 09/03/2023

Désolé, il s'agit de mesures standard 

See all questions

Me interesa delimitar una jardinera con dos ángulos rectos y he visto que hay piezas especiales de empalme entre borduras rectas y otras en ángulos a 90 grados. ¿es posible pedir las piezas? ¿qué precio tienen? Gracias.

Store response | 27/07/2022


Bonjour, Comment se fixent les bordures entre elles? Merci

Store response | 09/06/2022


Elles se fixent avec un système de clip.




Volevo sapere lo spessore in mm del le bordure Acciaio Corten

Store response | 24/02/2022

Spessore 1,5 mm


Las borduras corten de 20 cm se pueden soldar para hacer una circunferencia para jardin..??

Store response | 13/01/2022

las borduras se pueden soldar sin problemas 


Spessore della lama ? Grazie

Store response | 16/11/2021

1,5 mm.


Bonjour Vos bordures sont elles disponible en hauteur supérieure à 20 cm ? Idéalement il me faudrait 35 Cordialement

Store response | 08/11/2021

Bonjour, nous regrettons, nos bordures ne sont pas disponibles en hauteur supérieure à 20 cm. Cordialement


Faut-il des piquets de fixation pour une bordure de 10 cm de haut et de 8 mètres de long qui tourne un peu par endroit

Store response | 25/10/2021

Bonjour, nous vous conseillons de mettre des piquets de fixation. Cordialement


Can this product be used in an area where the grass can be quite wet during winter? What is the expected lifespan of Corten? Many thanks

Store response | 22/07/2021

Yes, of course, but it is suggestable to fix it with


Bonjour, il y a possibilité de rouler sur les bordures une fois posé car sa serai pour délimiter un abri voiture avec sol en copeaux de bois et ma pelouse Merci de votre réponse

Store response | 30/03/2021

Bonjour, non il n' y a pas possibilité de rouler sur les bordures une fois posées. Cordialement


Bonjour, Est-il possible de commander des p'us grandes longueur (par exemple en 3 m de long sur 15 cm de hauteur) Livrez-vous en Belgique ? Merci. 

Store response | 24/03/2021

Bonjour, nous regrettons, seules les longueurs présentes sur notre site web sont disponibles. Oui, nous livrons en Belgique. Cordialement


Bonjour, Faites vous des bordures en Corten en 40cm de hauteur ? Dimension : 1m X 0,40. J’ai besoin de 9m en tout. Prix ? Délai ? Merci

Store response | 23/11/2020

Bonjour, nous regrettons, nous ne commercialisons pas de bordures Corten en 40 cm de hauteur. Cordialement


Bonjour, Je souhaiterais une Bordure souple de 30cm de hauteur sur une longueur de 10 m si possible Est ce que ça existe ? Merci

Store response | 03/03/2020

Bonjour, Nous ne disposons pas de ces dimensions. Merci de votre compréhension. Cordialement


I want to achieve grass steps with the edging as per one of your photos - how do they attached together ? Kind regards

Store response | 19/02/2020

Hi, to attach them, you need the good below : Kind regards


Hacen envíos a Ibiza?

Store response | 22/01/2020

Buenos días , Le informamos que si realizamos envios a Ibiza , para saber cuanto le salen los portes tiene que añadir el productos a la cesta y en la zono de envío poner el código postal de la zona de entrega , de esta forma el sistema se lo calcula Un saludo


Hi just wondering what is the thickness of the edging ? Thanks

Store response | 08/01/2020

Hi, the thickness of the edging is 1,5 mm. Kind regards

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