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Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours

Flash offer: From €0.82


Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours

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Ref.: 2022119
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€1.29 €2.34
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Ref.: 2022117
Only 2 left in stock
€1.29 €2.42
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Ref.: 2022118
Only 1 left in stock
€0.82 €2.34
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Ref.: 2022116
Only 8 left in stock
€1.29 €1.98
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More information

The profiles of auction for lattices help to give a professional and luxury finish to enrich the environments of your home. with them the entire structure and its anchors are reinforced. Each rod has a length of 2.12 meters.

Comments (5)

| 12/05/2023 | Verified purchase
Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours

Très bien. Produit conforme

| 11/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours

Alles bestens, Ware in Ordnung, auch ordentlich verpackt, Service freundlich und schnell.

| 26/05/2021 | Verified purchase
Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours

Si abbinano perfettamente al traliccio in PVC con quadro da 48 mm. L'imballo potrebbe essere migliorato avvolgendoli in un foglio di pluriball. Alcuni spigoli erano scheggiati, ma devo comunque rifilarli a misura.

| 04/02/2021 | Verified purchase
Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours


| 24/10/2019 | Verified purchase
Catral Export U shaped finials for PVC trellis various colours

Pues para 4e que cuesta tampoco le vas a pedir mucho

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Questions (2)


Bonjour. Pourriez-vous me préciser la largeur intérieure du U et la hauteur extérieure des ailes. Merci.

Store response | 20/10/2021

Bonjour, voici les dimensions complètes des profilés de finition en U : 212 X 1,50 X 1,50 cm. Cordialement 


Hola tengo preparado un pedido de celosias y queria preguntar los perfiles en forma de U y H de unión dónde van? También preguntar las celosias marrones largas que aparecen en una de las fotos de más de 1 mt largo las teneis a la venta? Gracias. Isabel Pardell

Store response | 26/04/2019

Buenos días , La H es para unir una celosía con otra y la U es para tapar los perfiles No disponemos de celosías de más de 1 metro , lo que ve en la web son celosías unidas Un saludo

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