Zulueta is a company specialized in leguminous seeds and grasses for lawns and vegetable covers and its great experience in the sector guarantees a great knowledge and development of the product. Zulueta is committed to the environment and its products require less water, less water and less fertilizer.
With the passage of time, its activities expand:
Specialization in seeds and seed mixtures for lawns and green roofs. His work in the construction of the lawns of the stadiums in which the Spain-82 World Cups were held, was the true shuttle of the company in the Spanish gardening and green areas sector.
Production of sods of natural grass. Pioneers in the production of natural grass tepes in rolls and protagonists in the popularization of this technique in traditional gardening, sports fields and public parks. Zulueta Corporación has produced tens of millions of m2 throughout its history.
Production of autochthonous seeds and revegetation. The development of the infrastructures and the applications in hydroseeding, trigger the demand for seeds and seed mixtures for revegetation. Zulueta Corporación investigates and develops the collection and subsequent processing of native seeds, forming the catalog of seeds of the native flora of the Iberian Peninsula.
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