Brycus home and garden
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Astan Hogar categories

More information about Astan Hogar

We were born because we are passionate about life at home and because we wanted to do our bit to create a better day to day at home for people. For this, we are always looking for new and better ways to offer a wide variety of functional products for the home, with a beautiful design and with the best value for money. We intend to generate a positive impact on people's quality of life, facilitating household chores. So that families can invest their free time in what really matters: enjoying and living their home.

The Astan Hogar value chain, built after 13 years of work and continuous improvement, begins by detecting people's needs, understanding them and launching products that help them enjoy their day-to-day lives.

A value chain focused on people, on their lives, and on developing products that make life more comfortable, easier and at the best price.

Functional products, long-lasting quality, with a contemporary and current design, and low price. These are the pillars that make our products connect with people, with our customers and with the points of sale that distribute it.

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3.72/5 (360 votes)

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