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Bonsai Serissa phoetida (Snow rose)

Offer From €30.00


Indoor bonsai come mostly from tropical climates and cannot withstand low temperatures. They must be placed inside the houses, as long as they have a source of natural light

Bonsai Type
Ref.: 117039
Age: 10 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€78.00 €98.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 116977
Age: 16 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€108.00 €135.00
Free shipping
Bonsai Type: 
€143.00 €171.00
Free shipping
Bonsai Type: 
€143.00 €171.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 117428
Age: 5 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€30.00 €37.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 117429
Age: 5 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€32.00 €40.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 117122
Age: 6 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€42.00 €53.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 116941
Age: 8 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€52.00 €64.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 116958
Age: 9 years
Habitat: Inside
Gender: Serissa
Origin: China
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€61.00 €77.00
Free shipping


More information

Scientific name : Serissa phoetida (Serissa japonica Thunb.), Serissa foetida.

Common name: Serisa Family: R ubiaceae Origin: India, China and Japan Bonsai has a penne leaf and resembles many white flowers in summer When pruning it gives off a slightly fetid odor

Irrigation should be moderate as it is very sensitive
We will pay in spring and autumn. The suitable compost can be of organic or chemical type. We recommend organic fertilizer. We recommend that it would be better to use liquid fertilizers so as not to overwater and thus not burn leaves and not harm yourself.
Transplant: The transplant would be every 2 or 3 years and always in spring
Pruning: It can be done at any time of the year. Responds well to extreme pruning

It is a Bonsai that is affected by aphids and mealybugs.

As it is this type of plant, the age and size can vary and is approximate, the pot can change in shape or color and the photos are indicative. ORIGIN: CHINA
You can see the products of the Retail03- Bonsai brand

* Observations: The shape and measurements of the bonsai are approximate. The color and shape of the pot may vary from the one in the photo. Remember that a bonsai is a living being, that is why the images that appear are representative.

Comments (1)

| 03/01/2024
Bonsai Serissa phoetida (Snow rose)

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