Technical Characteristics:
- Location: In areas with a Mediterranean climate, outdoors in full sun all year round . In colder areas, protect from frost.
- Irrigation: The surface layer of the pot's soil should be allowed to dry slightly between waterings. It does not tolerate excess water well
- Curiosities: During twilight is when its flower, the orange blossom, gives off its pleasant smell, since its pollinating insects are active at that time of day. Good example of symbiosis.
- Family : Verbenaceae
- Fertilizer: From spring to mid-autumn with organic or liquid Nutribonsai fertilizer from Mistral Bonsai. Fertilizing should be interrupted in extremely hot summer periods
- Transplant: They are transplanted every two years, in early spring
- Substrate:100% Akadama, or mixed with 20% volcanic gravel
- Pinching During the growing season, trimming excessively long shoots to a couple of leaves
< li>Pruning : At the end of winter- Wiring : In spring
Curiosities: It is a very decorative bonsai for flowering and its fruits, of great interest for its fragrance. In addition, the flowers attract butterflies, and birds will enjoy feeding on the attractive golden yellow berries
*Remarks: Bonsai shape and measurements are approximate. The color and shape of the pot may vary from the photo. Remember that a bonsai is a living being, so the images that appear are representative.