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Bonsai and Pre-Bonsai Bouganvillea Glabra

Offer From €61.00


They are trees that, due to their characteristics, should be placed outdoors, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces.

Bonsai Type
Ref.: 153737
Age: 14 years
Habitat: Exterior
Gender: Bouganvillea
Origin: Spain
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€97.00 €121.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 150310
Age: 9 years
Habitat: Exterior
Gender: Bouganvillea
Origin: Spain
Bonsai Type: Bonsai
€61.00 €77.00
Free shipping
Ref.: 153053
Age: 14 years
Habitat: Exterior
Gender: Bouganvillea
Origin: Spain
Bonsai Type: Prebonsai
€91.00 €113.00
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Technical Characteristics:

  • Location: In areas with a Mediterranean climate, outdoors, in full sun all year round. In colder areas we must protect it from frost.
  • Irrigation: Abundantly in summer and moderately the rest of the year. Take care of the quality of the water, since it has a tendency to chlorosis, for which the leaves turn yellow. We must know that the bougainvillea loosens its leaves when it is watered excessively.
  • Curiosities: What we admire as a flower in the bougainvillea, with bright colors, pink, purple and violet, is not there are more than three bracts that protect the true flowers inside, small, yellowish, tubular and grouped in three within an involucre.
  • Family: Nyctaginaceae
  • Subscriber: Spring and autumn.
  • Transplanting: Every two years, at the beginning of spring
  • Substrate: 100% Akadama can be used, or mixed with 20% Kanuma and 20% volcanic gravel.
  • Pinching: Cutting to two leaves when it has developed 6 to 8 leaves. Eliminate overly vigorous shoots.
  • Pruning: At the beginning of spring.
  • Wiring: Spring

*Observations: The shape and measurements of the bonsai are approximate. The color and shape of the pot may vary from the photo. Remember that a bonsai is a living being, so the images that appear are representative.


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