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The best winter plants for your home

Nov. 5, 2019

Top 10 winter plants for your home

The end of the year is approaching and, with it, the drop in temperatures. Will your plants survive the cold? If you choose the right varieties, they will not only do it, they will even prosper. Discover our gardening section with information on 10 types of plants ideal for winter.

The best winter plants for your home
Firs, Holly and Brassica Oleracea

1. Firs

Elegant, resistant and extremely long-lived ... These are the characteristics that make fir a perfect tree for winter. Its fine leaves, three centimeters long or less, spiral around the branches. In order to maintain its greenery, it must remain in semi-shade and planted in fresh, nutrient-rich soil.

2. Holly

The main attraction of this tree is its small, round and deep red fruits. So that nothing hinders its development, one of our pool tips is that you resort to products that provide acidity to the soil, and plant it in a pot that ensures effective drainage. It is best to keep it in medium shade and water it frequently, especially during the summer.

3. Brassica oleracea

It is popularly known as ornamental cabbage, and it is not difficult to understand why. Its leaves are fleshy and grow in a rosette shape during the first phase of its development. The arrival of winter, far from affecting it, magnifies its colors. Depending on the chosen variety, this species can be yellow, white, red or pink.

Related category: Plants and Bonsáis
Plants and Bonsáis
Poinsettia, Geranium and Hydrangea

4. Weihnachtsblume

Der in Mexiko und Mittelamerika heimische Strauch ist weltweit zu einem Winterklassiker geworden. Während der kalten Jahreszeit werden die die gelben Blüten umgebenden Deckblätter rot (natürliche Varianten können auch rosa oder weiß sein), was das Aussehen großer Blütenblätter ergibt. Um sie in einem optimalen Zustand zu halten, sollte die Osterblume im Haus, neben einem Fenster und bei einer warmen Temperatur bleiben.

5. Geranie

Geranienblüten mögen zart erscheinen, aber sie sind tatsächlich in der Lage, der Kälte des Winters standzuhalten. Ihre Blütenblätter haben in der Regel kontrastierende Farben wie Violett, Rot oder Pink, begleitet von einer helleren Farbe, die normalerweise weiß ist. Du kannst deine Geranie in einen Topf oder direkt in den Boden stellen.

6. Hydrangea

Eine weitere natürliche Schönheit, die dem Winter Farbe verleiht, ist die Hortensie. Je nach Bodenart können die Blüten blau, weiß oder rosa sein. Sie wachsen im Spätwinter und im frühen Frühjahr in vollen Trauben. Um sie jederzeit strahlend zu erhalten, müssen Sie sie vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung schützen und regelmäßig gießen.

Related category: Substrates, Fertilizers and Phytosanitary
Substrates, Fertilizers and Phytosanitary
Winter Jasmine, Narcissus and Rhododendron

7. Winter Jasmine

Within the genus of plants popularly known as jasmine, there are many varieties. Now, there is one that resists the winter cold well: the jasminum mesnyi, a vine that produces yellow flowers throughout the year and reaches up to three meters high. As long as the temperature does not drop below -5 ºC and you take proper care of it, it will stay healthy and strong.

8. Narcissus

One of the most adaptable and versatile plants is, without a doubt, the daffodil. It does not have problems to grow in winter (in fact, its flowering occurs at the end of this season) and it is able to thrive in sunny and medium shade conditions. Although the yellow flower variety is the most common, they can also come in white or orange.

9. Rhododendron

Another particularly resilient plant is rhododendron. The same withstands cold and heat (provided they are not extreme), as the sun and partial shade. Plus, you don't need to water it as often. It consists of a bush or tree that, according to the chosen variety, can measure between ten centimeters and thirty meters. Its foliage remains in place throughout the year; and its flowers, which are usually white, red, pink or violet, sprout in spring.

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