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Plant your seed according to the season that corresponds

June 20, 2019

Planting seeds in the corresponding season is the most recommended to obtain the maximum yield from each sowing and to adapt to the natural growth cycles of the plants. In the seasons in which nature is scheduled to germinate. For this reason, having an adapted planting calendar that takes into account the local climate, the type of seeds and the characteristics of seasonal plants is essential.

And something else to consider. That something else in the care is the Moon. Its phases count and organic farming has known how to be sensitive to it in the line of maintaining ancestral practices that work.

Thus, during the increasing rooms the moonlight increases progressively. In the case of vegetables, for example an aerial development of the plants occurs. And that period is the best time for the seeds to germinate. For that reason, one of the key tips is to plant a couple of days before the beginning of the growing quarter.

The rest of the phases of the Moon can also be relevant for sowing, while the sowing of the seeds must be adjusted to the growth cycle of the plants, to the weather conditions, as we will see later, to garden practices specific to each crop. and to the specific needs of each variety.

Also, on a full moon, the most striking thing is the growth of the foliage above that of the roots. In the last quarter, it should be borne in mind that maintenance is recommended and during the new moon the growth process slows down and is beneficial for the always classic carrots. The key to care is, therefore, to be diligent in the growing quarter and play with the times in the rest of the phases.

Planting with time in hand

But let's go to the recommendations, to the advice on the best times to plant seeds. Here the most important thing is to take into account what has been said, a good sowing calendar to plant at the best time. What it is about is that the growth cycle of the plants enters a temporary period that coincides with stable and controlled environments beyond all the unforeseen events that may arise such as high temperatures, excessive rains, droughts or plagues. A longer season gives more growth time and bigger harvests.

A basic principle that works is to plant flowers and vegetables with annual periods is to plant them in spring adjusting to the aforementioned crescent. Bulb plants, those that give flowers every two years or perennials that have their fruits underground, should be planted in spring at the end of the full moon. This is the case of celery, turnips, aubergine or onion, whose planting periods range from February to April, or something else.

It is true that many seeds can be planted indoors and then taken to the garden, but it is most recommended to plant them directly in the furrows for what they can suffer in the change of soil, environment or the chemistry of the substrate. Tomatoes and peppers, in any case, may be exceptions to this rule as they are plants with a more rustic seed type and, therefore, more resistant.

A key factor to consider when planting seeds is the length of the growing season. In colder areas, the growth period is shortened in all cases by giving less light. In that case, the indoor planting strategy to gain growth time is almost the only solution. If this is the case, the seed must be planted indoors between six and eight weeks before the last usual date of spring frost in the geographical area where we are.

In the event that frost or cold weather persists, the most reasonable thing to do is to transplant the growing plants into plastic pots outdoors, placing them in well-lit but protected areas.

The observation of the weather, of the environmental conditions, are part of the suggestive attraction of the crops in the orchard. The grower in all cases will be the key factor, who decides how to save time at the time to offer the best growing conditions. That is the challenge.

Plant your seed according to the season that corresponds
Plants and Seeds

Great selection of seeds and natural plants to start your garden or decorate your property. Potted seeds and plants allow you to choose everything you want to start your garden or garden and thus be able to decorate or grow. All products are healthy, free of diseases and pests, so you have the guarantee that your garden will prosper without problems. Here you will get aromatic, decorative plants that produce fruits and many others. With all the options that are at your fingertips you can maintain your garden or orchard with the most beautiful and productive plants.

Related category: Plants and Bonsáis
Plants and Bonsáis

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