Achieving significant savings on your electricity bill is not a simple matter if you don't really know how to do it. It is necessary to profoundly change certain habits in order to be more efficient in the use of energy. So that you know how to do it, here are some valuable tips that, if put into practice, will save you a lot of euros.
According to the latest population surveys, saving is one of the main concerns of Spaniards. However, many of them do not know exactly what they must do to reduce energy consumption. Performing certain daily tasks more effectively and consciously is a big step that, in the long run, will make a difference.
Read the following brycus tips and save on light consumption as you've always wanted.
Taking advantage of natural light
One of the most effective ways to save energy at home is to take advantage of nature. Within all of them, sunlight is an enormously valuable resource, especially in countries like ours, where the sun is the protagonist almost 300 days a year.
Turn off lights
Lights are one of the biggest consumers of energy. In those cases is what is necessary to use them, you must remember to turn them off when you are no longer in that room of the house. Of course, make sure that all of them are turned off when you are about to leave the house. Even if you only have LED lights, if you leave them on for a long period of time, you will notice this on your electricity bill.
Consume your energy in 'off-peak hours'.
It is important that you take advantage of those hours of the day when energy is cheaper. Therefore, using large appliances such as a washing machine or dishwasher at night will save you a lot of euros compared to doing so during the peak hours of the day.
Take advantage of the heat coming from the oven or the vitroceramic.
Large appliances such as the oven or ceramic hob radiate a lot of heat, keeping it up until a certain time after switching them off. This type of residual heat can be used to finish what you are cooking. For example, if you are cooking a roast, a good strategy would be to turn off the oven 10 minutes early and let the roast finish with the residual heat from the oven.
Disconnect unused appliances
Most electronic devices have a mode, called 'standby', in which, although it may seem that they do not, they continue to consume energy because they are plugged in. Some of these devices are the electric brush, heaters, chargers or computers. A useful way to make these devices disconnect is to use the strips. Through them, several devices can be disconnected with a simple gesture. Another equally valid option are the so-called 'smart plugs', which have the ability to connect or disconnect completely when the devices are charged. Some of the models you will find on the market are programmable.
Use appliances the right way
When buying electrical appliances, in addition to all the characteristics of the electronic appliance, one must also pay attention to its energy rating. In addition, good maintenance of the product will avoid possible excessive consumption of it.
For example, you should clean the refrigerator coil at least once a year, or keep the air conditioning filters regularly clean. Fan blades or heaters are also places where a lot of dust usually accumulates and must be kept in good condition. In addition to extending the useful life of the appliances, you will be able to optimise your electricity bill.
If your goal is to save, follow these brycus tips and success is guaranteed. You will be able to optimize your electricity bill without dying in the attempt.
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