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Bestway cartridge treatment plant with filtering capacity of 3,032 l/h.

Brand: Bestway

Reference: 58386C

Flash offer: €33.00
PVP: €69.58
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  • Only 2 left in stock
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3. 028 liters / hour of filtering power. 45W Includes 32 mm hoses with clamps. Includes a type II filter Manufacturer's warranty, Bestway.


More information

Bestway cartridge sewage treatment plants are the best option when filtering water in small size demontable pools.

Less powerful than those of sand and with less filtering power, although they offer other advantages such as, on the one hand its price and on the other hand, its size; which is much smaller so its off-season storage is simpler and more practical.

Paper cartridge filters are reusable a couple of times, washing them only with pressurized water.

The filtering power is 3,028 liters / hour.

It incorporates two 32mm hoses with clamps to attach to the pool.

Use type II filters.

This product is guaranteed by the manufacturer, Bestway.

Comments (1)

| 14/09/2022 | Verified purchase
Bestway cartridge treatment plant with filtering capacity of 3,032 l/h.

A funcionar na perfeição!

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