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Anti-mosquito Device Tb2 Pills 40 gr

Brand: Flower

Reference: 1-20515

Offer: €15.00 (€37.50 per 100 g)
PVP: €19.00
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  • Only 5 left in stock
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Device Tb2 anti-mosquito in effervescent tablets of Flower products, box format 40 grams. Diflubenzuron, 2%. It is a growth regulating insecticide that prevents the adult mosquito from developing. It is an ideal format for ponds.


More information

Mosquitoes spend most of their lives in water , egg-shaped and larval. The best way to control mosquito populations is by acting precisely in these stages of development.

The Flower Device mosquito is best suited to fight mosquitoes in areas where there is standing water , be it decorative like a domestic pond, be it an open well or a stream.
Application and dose:

1 effervescent tablet for 40 liters in very dirty waters

1 effervescent tablet for 4,000 liters in moderately dirty waters.

1 effervescent tablet for 8,000 liters in clean water.

It acts on the common mosquito and also on other species such as the tiger mosquito.
Presented in a pot of 140 grams. With a total of 20 tablets .

Comments (1)

| 17/04/2024 | Verified purchase
Anti-mosquito Device Tb2 Pills 40 gr

En nuestro caso está funcionando bastante bien. Tenemos agua que se embalsa debajo de nuestra casa, en algunas ocasiones, proveniente del subsuelo. Hemos usado estas pastillas para los mosquitos, y prácticamente han desaparecido.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Hola, quisiera saber si se puede usar en un pequeño estanque de tortuga 1 m cúbico de agua. Gracias y un saludo

Store response | 17/01/2023

Aplicación y dosis:

1 pastilla efervescente para 40 litros en aguas muy sucias

1 pastilla efervescente para 4.000 litros en aguas moderadamente sucias.

1 pastilla efervescente para 8.000 litros en aguas limpias. 

Actúa sobre el mosquito común i también sobre otras especies como el mosquito tigre.

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