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Algae-based fertilizer Tresalgas Liquid Trabe

Brand: Trabe

Offer From €17.00


The properties of algae in intensive crops have been known for a long time, seeking quality and high yield. TRABE has made a selection of them that after processing allow to gather a large amount of macro, microelements, amino acids, vitamins and plant phytohormones. TRESALGAS® is a fertilizer made exclusively from seaweed.

Ref.: TALGF1
1L bottle
€17.00 €21.00
Free shipping
Ref.: TALGF20
20L carafe
€213.00 €267.00
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Ref.: TALGF5
5L carafe
€77.00 €96.00
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Ascophylum nodosum 100%

TRESALGAS comes from fresh marine algae, in this way the bioactive principles present in them are kept intact after their collection and processing. TRESALGAS increases crop yield while improving plant resistance to adverse situations.

TRESALGAS guarantees an exceptional richness in nutrients, trace minerals, carbohydrates and promoters of plant development in the form of plant phytohormones. TRESALGAS has 14 vitamins, including B12 not found in terrestrial plants.

TRESALGAS®, in addition, you can also find it presented in soluble flakes under the name TRESALGAS SOLIDO.


A) Irrigation application: 6 ml TRESALGAS per liter of water. 1 time every 4-5 days.

B) Foliar application: 10 ml TRESALGAS® per liter of water. 1 time every 10-15 days.


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